Wednesday, November 4, 2009

my bucket list

  1. go to the PBR finales
  2. spend at lest a week with my brother
  3. go to Paris
  4. go back to Boston
  5. go sky diving
  6. go scuba diving
  7. get on good terms with my grand dad
  8. learn to ski
  9. be a better girlfriend and friend
  10. go back to the house that i grew up in
  11. swim across a ocean
  12. take a crus
  13. drive a porch
  14. learn sigh language
  15. get a pet pig
  16. try to be a model
  17. ride a bull
  18. get the job of my dreams
  19. get a tattoo
  20. take ballroom dance lessons
  21. learn to salsa dance
  22. go to the Bahamas
  23. spend a week in Hawaii with only my best friends and my boyfriend
  24. get my nursing degree
  25. clime a mountain
  26. go to hollowed
  27. spend a day in the white house
  28. be president for a day
  29. try foods from every country
  30. go see the pearl harbor memorial
  31. go to six flags over texas
  32. go on a train